Wordsworth's Poetical Works

"A thing of beauty is a joy forever " Discuss this statement with reference to the poen,"The Solitary Reaper "by William Wordsworth.

the beautiful things of this stanza and compare song beautiful with birds songs

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Beauty trancends the physical beauty of the young lady. Part of what makes this poem so intriguing is the fact that the speaker does not understand the words being sung by the beautiful young lady. In the third stanza, he is forced to imagine what she might be singing about. He supposes that she may be singing about history and things that happened long ago, or some sadness that has happened in her own time and will happen again.

As the speaker moves on, he carries the music of the young lady with him in his heart. This is a prevalent theme in much of Wordsworth's poetry. For instance, the same idea is used in "I wandered lonely as a cloud" when the speaker takes the memory of the field of daffodils with him to cheer him up on bad days.