
Different perspectives give the reader more information about important events. For example, Mr. Tushman thinks that Julian is a nice kid. But when we read the story from Jack's perspective, we find out that Julian is not a nice kid at all. Choose one imp

ortant event and explain which information the reader gets from the perspectives of different characters.1.Why Miranda didn’t call Via after summer camp. Perspectives: Miranda's and Via's.2.What it is like for Via to be August’s sister. Perspectives: Via's and her parents'.3.Why August leaves the Halloween Party early. Perspectives: Jack's and August's.4.What Justin thinks of August when he meets him for the first time. Perspectives: August and Via's and Justin's.5.How Justin reacts to Julian and his friends after they scared Jack. Perspectives: Justin's and Julian's.6.Why Miranda gives her role in the play to Via. Perspectives: Miranda's and Via's.

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