Wilfred Owen: Poems

Examine the significance of simon's death in lord of the flies

Significance of simon's death

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Last updated by rex samuel j #351704
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Simon is an important character with his death many negative element in the play are highlighted.savagery had engulfed the boys they are unable to discern the beast,they do not care about each fellow.it is said that when the assembly of the meeting start discussion about the beast simon said that the beast may as well be a human.this does no go down with the rest had simon not died



Simon is an important character with his death many negative element in the play are highlighted.savagery had engulfed the boys they are unable to discern the beast, they do not care about each fellow. it is said that when the assembly of the meeting start discussion about the beast simon said that the beast may as well be a human. this does no go down with the rest had simon not died.


Brain too.