White Fang

white fangs attack on the strange god

How does the write use language to describe white fangs attack on the strange God

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This depends pn what chapter you are referring to.

Describe ehitr fang and the strange god


7to 16

White fang the king of whole pro he smelled the air and read the massage metaphorical atmosphere" it bore of a strange god. In addition god are not strange and Thai bring sorrow and horror to the reader when there hair strange god , in the wild white fang as Hunted live meat that was infinitely timid which gives him the advantages of surprise. Rising action bigin at this point of time links to strange god mystery built with suspense. "The strange god pause at the foot of the staircase and listened" this suggests The senses of shadowing at this time "white fang was as dead " the missing information will be reviewed to white fang because he is so quiet which we as reference to dead' and the strange god who stop at the staircase but not as dad as white fang and that gives him more opportunities to attack is predictor.