White Fang

What kind of punishment did Jim Hall receive that did not lead to reform?

In San Quentin prison he had proved incorrigible. Punishment failed to break his spirit. He could die dumb-mad and fighting to the last, but he could not live and be beaten. , e more fiercely he fought, the more harshly society handled him, and the only e" ect of harshness was to make him fiercer. Straight-jackets to restrain him, starvation, and beatings and clubbings were the wrong treatment for Jim Hall; but it was the treatment he received. It 0 was the treatment he had received from the time he was a little pulpy, shapeable boy in a San Francisco slum-soft clay in the hands of society and ready to be formed into something.

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Hall was beaten, punished, restrained, starved, and clubbed. All he knew was violence. Violence begets violence, thus, the punishment he received only made him more violent and dangerous.


White Fang