White Fang

What are the three main conflicts throughout White Fang novel.

Why were they important to the story and how are they resolved.

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The main characters in the novel, both dogs and people, represent various facets of human existence. White Fang's main conflict is between the title character's two essences—his life as a wild wolf and his tamer dog nature. London uses this conflict in many ways, both to depict White Fang's struggles in the novel and also to comment upon human nature. White Fang of course finds his place in the end.

Nature offers no middle ground in White Fang; it is either brutally harsh or indifferent to both dog and human. People are portrayed in similar ways: Different characters possess deliberate cruelty and brutality, but others show complete, unconditional love. By doing this London makes the novel more realistic than if the dog were merely a flat character, incapable of change. The people in White Fang, however, are primarily static characters, either extremely cruel or kind and understanding.

The Wild is a metaphor for the unknown and uncontrollable, and London's characters fear it. THis creates much of the heart of London's conflicts. Only those brought up in the Wild (such as One Eye and White Fang) are truly comfortable in it. Kiche, who entered the Wild only out of necessity, prefers civilization in the form of the camps, as evidenced by her refusal to leave once she had returned. White Fang, however, never completely forgets his Wild heritage, as is evidenced when he stalks a person just as he had stalked “infinitely timid” game in the woods.



Thank you so much. Do you have any quotes about the conflict's found in the novel?


Examples from the novel that talk about all three conflicts.