When I Was Puerto Rican

In When I was Puerto Rican what’s the summary for pages 107-119

In the chapter that's name mami gets a job what's the summary from pages 107-119

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In "Mami Gets a Job," Esmeralda's mother gives birth to another son, Raymond. As a result, she has to go back to work because they need the money. Over the course of the chapter, Esmeralda becomes friends with a neighbor, who convinces her to show him her vagina in return for a look at his penis. His mother, who seems to have a sixth sense, sends Esmeralda home. Soon after, her babysitter, Gloria, tells her about the changes that will soon to occur in her body and how "babies are made."

Ramona having to go to work, also effects the family's status. They are no longer accepted by people who scorn Ramona for leaving her family and work in a factory. Over time, she cannot even afford a babysitter and Esmeralda has to take more responsibility for herself and siblings, something she finds difficult. Esmeralda's family is later forced to move to the city. While living in the city, Esmeralda discovers that her father is having an affair.