War Horse

War Horse

In your opinion, does this movie properly depict the various aspects of World War I? Why or Why not?

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The very narrative of War Horse is motivated by a sense of commemoration: as the prologue to the novel explains, Morpurgo's text tells the backstory of a horse (Joey himself) who has been honored with a painting. However, there are other functions that a sense of the past serves in War Horse as well, collectively contributing considerable complexity to the novel. Emilie's grandfather, for instance, attempts to honor his deceased grandchild's memory by finding her beloved horses. Though it is a work of fiction, War Horse can help its readers to understand the heroism of the men and horses who fought in World War II; by admiring Joey, Albert, and their comrades, we pay honor to the real men and the real animals whose virtues these characters represent. The depiction of the war, in my opinion, is accurate and graphic.