War Horse

Guys I have a list of questions for my hw if someone can give me it then ill love you

13. What does Ted do with the Horse?
14. Because the Horse gets sold what does Albert do?
15. What does Albert promise Joey?
16. How does Joey do in the practice run?
17. Does Captain James Nicholls treat Joey well? Explain. He treats Joey well.
18. Is the British’s first attack successful? Why, or why not? No they had machine guns and they all died except for one
19. What happens to Joey after the attack?
20. What does Albert get in the mail from base?
21. What does the German boy do with Joey?
22. What happens to the Germans who deserted the Army?
23. After the German boys are killed what happens to Joey?
24. What does the girl teach Joey to do?
25. What does the girl’s grandfather do when the German’s show up?
26. What does the old man say the French have the best of? The best carrier pigeons
27. What did the girl’s grandfather give her for her birthday?
28. What happens to the horses while she is riding them.
29. What do they do with the horses?
30. As the men are in the trenches an officer is tagging men and saying what?
31. What does the officer say to do to people who turn back toward the trench when they run?
32. What does Andrew do when he sees people retreating back into the trench?
33. What happens to the black horse?
34. What does the German tell Joey as they retreat?
35. How does Joey Escape the Tank?
36. What happens to Joey as he is running through the battlefield?
37. What does the Corporal do?
38. Who does the Corporal run into while he is trying to free Joey?
39. What do the soldiers talk about while they are trying to free Joey?
40. How do the soldiers decide who gets the horse?_______________. Who got to keep the Joey? __________________
41. What does Joey hear that saves his life and makes him look for Albert?
42. How does Albert prove that it is his horse?
43. After the end of the war what was supposed to happen to the horses?
44. How does Albert get to keep Joey?

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13. Ted bought Joey at an auction for 30 guineas while drunk. He makes Joey into a plough horse.

You need to submit your questions one at a time. Thanks. It's always nice if you can include a chapter as well.