Walk Two Moons

What do you learn about Sal's former hometown from the story of her grandparents and the tired they “borrowed”?

Using textual evidence to support answer

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In context, we learn that some things were acceptable in an emergency... that people were more understanding, that people were given the benefit of the doubt, and that arrest was not the immediate response for a perceived wrongdoing.

Two years ago when they drove to Washington, D. C., they were arrested for stealing the back tyres off a Senator's car. 'We had two flat, sprunkled tyres' my grandfather explained. 'We were only borrowing the Senator's tyres. We were going to return them.' In Bybanks, Kentucky, you could do this. You
could borrow someone's back tyres and return them later, but you could not do this in Washington, D. C., and you could especially not do this to a
Senator's car.


Walk Two Moons