
Comment on the subtitle The Fox in Jonson’s play Volpone, and justify the use of the term ‘Fox’ to mean a character in the context of the play.

Comment on the subtitle The Fox in Jonson’s play Volponeand justify the use of the term ‘Fox’ to mean a character in the context of the play

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Last updated by Afruja K #1337699
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The "Fox" refers to Volpone, who is a deceptive, manipulative, witty, and greedy man. Volpone is clever as a fox.

Comment on the subtitle the fox in Johnson's play volponeand justify the use of the term 'fox' to mean a character in the context of the play.


Comment on the subtitle the fox in Johnson's play volponeand justify the use of the term 'fox' to mean a character in the context of the play
