Uncle Tom's Cabin

Slaves believed to be part white were believed to have some?

Slaves believed to be part white were believed to have some

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I'm going to need a chapter number for your question. This is all I've found.

"You go long! No more nigger dan you be, Miss Rosa," said Dinah, who felt this last remark a reflection on herself. "You seem to tink yourself white folks. You an't nerry one, black nor white, I'd like to be one or turrer."

"Sons of white fathers, with all our haughty feelings burning in their veins, will not always be bought and sold and traded. They will rise, and raise with them their mother's race."

"Law, now, boys! dis yer's one o' yer white niggers, -- kind o' cream color, ye know, scented!" said he, coming up to Adolph and snuffing. "O Lor! he'd do for a tobaccer-shop; they could keep him to scent snuff! Lor, he'd keep a whole shope agwine, -- he would!"

"Lor, now, how touchy we is, -- we white niggers! Look at us now!" and Sambo gave a ludicrous imitation of Adolph's manner; "here's de airs and graces. We's been in a good family, I specs."


Uncle Tom's Cabin