Uglies (The Uglies)

What is biological zero?

What is biological zero

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A "biological zero" is a wasteland.

“Sure you do, kid. So the orchids eventually die out, victims of their own success, leaving a wasteland behind. Biological zero."



In the context of the book series "Uglies" by Scott Westerfeld, the term "biological zero" is not a scientific term or concept commonly used in the real world. Instead, it's a fictional term specific to the world and narrative of the "Uglies" series.

In the "Uglies" series, biological zero refers to a state of being where a person's body is in a neutral, non-adult state. In the world of the series, when individuals reach a certain age, they undergo a surgical procedure that enhances their physical appearance and makes them "pretty." This process is known as the "Pretty Operation."

Before undergoing the Pretty Operation, individuals are considered to be in their "biological zero" state. They have not yet undergone the physical transformation that turns them into the highly attractive and physically enhanced "pretties."

The concept of biological zero in the "Uglies" series is symbolic of the idea that everyone starts at a baseline level before undergoing a significant change in their appearance and societal status. The series explores themes of identity, beauty standards, conformity, and individuality within a dystopian world.

It's worth noting that the term "biological zero" is specific to the fictional universe of the "Uglies" series and does not have any direct relevance or meaning outside of that context