Uglies (The Uglies)


What is tally’s journey to The Smoke like?

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Tally makes the long, dangerous trip to the Smoke alone, when she comes to a broken bridge, she almost falls off. She then realizes that she is meant to fall off the bridge, and that the hoverboard will catch and save her..... luckily, she is right. She then travels for another several days before deciding that she needs a bath and chooses a freezing cold river in which to bathe. While in the river, a machine flies overhead and her campsite is torn apart. She then gathers what remains of her things and moves on..... only to find the world on fire and herself jumping back into the river to escape the flames. Rescued by Pretties, Tally is then left in a field to await the rescue team from the Smoke, which is the last direction Shay provided her with.

