Uglies (The Uglies)

Chapter 32, what is the purpose of the Uglies insulting each other?

chapter 32 what is the purpose of the uglies insulting each other?

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Insults were used to make everyone feel the same.... ugly. Whether or not they actually were was irrelavent, everyone was made to feel this way and everyone was seen in the same way.

Every day of her life she’d insulted other uglies and had been insulted in return. Fattie, Pig-Eyes, Boney, Zits, Freak—all the names uglies called one another, eagerly and without reserve. But equally, without exception, so that no one felt shut out by some irrelevant mischance of birth. And no one was considered to be even remotely beautiful, privileged because of a random twist in their genes. That was why they’d made everyone pretty in the first place.

