Twelfth Night

Act 1 scene 5

How is Feste able to win over Olivia?, and try to track his train of thought in their conversation.

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In William Shakespeare’s play "The Twelfth Night" the play is a pun of fools who torment their adversary the killjoy Malvolio. Through-out the play the fools engage in mischief. Feste is Olivia's jester.

I have to agree with the previous writer that the only place in the play where I can see Feste winning over Olivia is when she tells him to go away. Feste argues with her that he is a good fool. Olivia denies this saying he is basically dull. Feste says that drink will make him more witty. He then makes a witty comment. Oliva asks Malvolio his opinion and the man puts Feste down. Olivia defends Feste and tells Malvolio that he instead is

"Oh, you are sick of self-love, Malvolio, and taste with a distempered "

I would have to say that Feste wins Olivia over with his sense of humor and by winning her support and defence from Malvolilo.


Thanks for the answer, but what witty comment did Feste make?