Tuesdays With Morrie

Tuesdays with Morrie

1. According to the text, what do you think Tuesday people are like? (p.52)

2. Why are we uncomfortable with silence? (p.53)

3. What does Morrie say about “if today was the last day on Earth”, when Mitch hesitates to answer? (p.64)

4. Please take the quote “A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops” a bit further. (p.79)

5. How does Morrie think we ought to live? What about that bird on the shoulder? (p.81)

6. What does Morrie say about appreciation and taking things for granted? (p.84)

7. Morrie says that you have to detach yourself to be able to feel. To fully experience an emotion, you have to let it penetrate you. Explain what he means by this, and what you think about it. (p.103)3 e ga

8. Morrie once worked at a place called Chestnut Lodge. What was the incident about the woman on the floor about, and why did the woman in the store say: “you’re one of them, too”? (p.110)

9. Morrie has had to give in. Connie now wipes his behind. How does he manage this? Describe how, in what way, you can link this to at least two other questions you have had before. (p.115)

10. What does Morrie say about the confusion over what you want versus what you need? According to Morrie, what really gives you satisfaction? How do you feel about that? (p.126)

11. What does Morrie have to say about Love and Marriage? What are Morrie’s rules for marriage, and what do you think about his thoughts concerning the importance of marriage? (p.142-149)

12. What is the basis for Morrie’s discussion about subcultures (p.155), what does he say and mean? Can you relate to this in any way? If yes, how?

13. Morrie talks about what living means to him. What does he say, and how do you feel about that?

14. According to Morrie, when do we need others to survive? (p.157)

15. The last sentence of the novel reads: ”The teaching goes on.” (p.192) What does this imply? Please develop this thought.

16. Give us your thoughts about the food Mitch is bringing. Why do you think he still brings food? He does know that Morrie can’t eat (he apologizes even), so why does he bring food? Relate it something in your life.

17. “Death ends a life, not a relationship” (p.174) Do you agree? If so, how is this?”

18. “You’re not a wave, you’re part of the ocean.” (p.180) What does this quote, taken from the little story, mean? What is the hidden message? 4

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From the text, we can infer that Tuesday people are organized and thrive on keeping to a schedule.

We laughed because he used to say the same thing nearly twenty years earlier. Mostly on Tuesdays. In fact, Tuesday had always been our day together. Most of my courses with Morrie were on Tuesdays, he had office hours on Tuesdays, and when I wrote my senior thesiswhich was pretty much Morrie's suggestion, right from the start–it was on Tuesdays that we sat together, by his desk, or in the cafeteria, or on the steps of Pearlman Hall, going over the work.

So it seemed only fitting that we were back together on a Tuesday, here in the house with the Japanese maple out front. As I readied to go, I mentioned this to Morrie.

“We're Tuesday people,” he said. Tuesday people, I repeated. Morrie smiled.

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Tuesdays With Morrie