Treasure Island

Q3.What effect does Silver’s allowing Jim to speak with the doctor have on the buccaneers? Why do they react this way?

from treasure island

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Once they go outside, Silver tells Jim to move slowly because he is wary that the other pirates might attack them. Silver then reveals why he is letting the doctor talk with Jim. He puts his own case before the doctor, complete with a trembling voice. He tells how he saved Jim's life, admits that he is afraid of hanging, and asks the doctor to put in a good word for him. After that, he steps out of hearing so Jim and Livesey can talk alone.

Silver allows Jim to speak with the doctor. The members of the crew had an “explosion of disapproval” (131). Silver was accused for “sacrificing the interests of his accomplices and victims” (131). This means that they thought silver was trying to be double sided and make peace with the other people. This shows that the crew was still scared that Silver would betray them and they did not believe him.