To Kill a Mockingbird

What elements of the hero’s journey do you see in To Kill a Mockingbird?

The hero's journey:

Three Parts of the 17 Stages 17 Stages of Monomyth The Departure (Separation) 1. The Call to Adventure 2. The Refusal of the Call 3. Supernatural Aid 4. Crossing the Threshold 5. Belly of the Whale The Initiation 6. The Road of Trials 7. The Meeting with the Goddess 8. Temptation 9. Atonement with the Father 10. Apotheosis 11. The Ultimate Boon The Return 12. Refusal of the Return 13. The Magic Flight 14. Rescue from Without 15. The Crossing of the Return Threshold 16. Master of Two Worlds 17. Freedom to Live

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I can't go through each detail: this is only a short answer space. I think you need to identify your hero first. You could consider Atticus or Scout. I can start you off but you will need to consider the details:


1. The Call to Adventure- Atticus is offered Tom Robinson Case

2. The Refusal of the Call- Atticus doesn't refuse the Call but he does take time to ponder it.

3. Supernatural Aid- you might have to get creative here. Atticus does see the law as something mythic and powerful.

4. Crossing the Threshold- Atticus actively begins his defence of Tom Robinson much to the dismay of white people in the town.