To Kill a Mockingbird

What did Jem confess to Atticus?

chapter 8

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Jem confessed about the night Mr. Nathan was shooting at intruders in his yard.... the night Jem lost his pants, and the fact that Boo mended them. He also told Atticus about the knot-hole and the gifts.

Jem seemed to have lost his mind. He began pouring out our secrets right and left in total disregard for my safety if not for his own, omitting nothing, knot-hole, pants and all.
“…Mr. Nathan put cement in that tree, Atticus, an‘ he did it to stop us findin’ things—he’s crazy, I reckon, like they say, but Atticus, I swear to God he ain’t ever harmed us, he ain’t ever hurt us, he coulda cut my throat from ear to ear that night but he tried to mend my pants instead… he ain’t ever hurt us, Atticus—”


To Kill a Mockingbird