To Kill a Mockingbird

Questions for the novel To Kill a Mockingbird

Please make them at least a paragraph long.

1.)After the trial, how do the children and Atticus respond to Bob Ewell's threat's?

2.)What happens to Scout and Jem on the way home from the school pageant? What does the incident reveal about Boo Radley?

3.) How does Scout treat Boo after the incident? How have her feeling about Boo changed?

4.) Do you believe that Sheriff Tate and Atticus made the best decision about how to report Bob Ewell's death? Why or why not?

5.) Because of Atticus, the white jury took much longer than excpected to reach its decision in Tom's case. Miss Maudie sees this aw a "baby step" foward for the community. Do you think the cause of justice is best advanced through such "baby steps"? Explain.

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Hey, you need to submit each question separately. I'll take your first one here,

Scout and Jem are afraid of Tom Ewell. They are also afraid that Tom will do something to Atticus. Indeed Bob Ewell spitting on their father did not help. Atticus responds in the rational and introspective way that we have come to expect from Atticus. He explains that Bob Ewell feels humiliated. The only power he felt that he ever had was in accusing Tom Robinson of raping his daughter. Even though the jury found Tom guilty, they knew the truth. Infact the whole town knew the truth and Bob became even more of a social pariah Atticus felt that Bob needed to scare children to feel some kind of revenge, he felt that it was more bark than bite.

Scout and Jem are afraid of Tom Ewell. They are also afraid that Tom will do something to Atticus. Indeed Bob Ewell spitting on their father did not help. Atticus responds in the rational and introspective way that we have come to expect from Atticus. He explains that Bob Ewell feels humiliated. The only power he felt that he ever had was in accusing Tom Robinson of raping his daughter. Even though the jury found Tom guilty, they knew the truth. Infact the whole town knew the truth and Bob became even more of a social pariah Atticus felt that Bob needed to scare children to feel some kind of revenge, he felt that it was more bark than bite.

I just hope you'll submit each question separately next time Melanie.