To Kill a Mockingbird

most humorous and most memorable element? character that motive surprised you and why?

just wondering for details in an open discussion to help my younger sister with her project

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I found the most humerous moment to be when Scout has to dress up as a ham for the agricultural recital at the school. She has to talk about how important pork is to Alabama. Atticus as a character really inspires me. 

Atticus treats his children with the respect of fairness and logic. He gently guides them through their mistakes. He allows them to see both the ungliness and beauty of the world always ready to catch them should they need it.

-Atticus constantly gives advice to try and put their own feet in other people's shoes before judging them. (ex Walter Cunningham or Mrs. Dubose)

-Much of what Atticus's advice comes by example. He respects elders regardless of the ignorance they may show (his sister, Mrs. Dubose) this is, in part, what is so special about him. From the defending of Tom Robinson to his gentle affirmation that he must do the right thing despite of the odds, Atticus truly advises by example.