To Kill a Mockingbird

In chapter 16 based on scouts description, characterize judge Taylor


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Judge Taylor is an older white man. Like Atticus, he is practical and believes in the sanctity of the court. He is very aware of the truth surrounding the Tom Robinson case which is why he enlists Atticus to give Tom a fighting chance. In the end he lets the law take its course even though he knows the Jury's judgment is decidedly unjust.

"Judge Taylor was on the bench, looking like a sleepy old shark, his pilot fish writing rapidly below in front of him. Judge Taylor looked like most judges I had ever seen: amiable, white-haired, slightly ruddy-faced, he was a man who ran his court with an alarming informality—he sometimes propped his feet up, he often cleaned his fingernails with his pocket knife. In long equity hearings, especially after dinner, he gave the impression of dozing, an impression dispelled forever when a lawyer once deliberately pushed a pile of books to the floor in a desperate effort to wake him up."

Judge Taylor seem to be confident and sure of himself behind the bench. he is easy-going, amiable, and very experienced in his job.

uuh I uuuuh sorry sorry for taking too long uhhh sorry sorry for saying sorry I uuuuuuuhhhhhhhh can you repeat the question



uuuuuuh wait I uuuuuh found the answer its uhhhhh....... sorry for saying uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh for saying uuuuuuuu for saying uuuuuuuuh for not being able to find the answer quick enough uuuuuuuh sorry sorry sorry for saying sorry for syaing sorry I uhhh


I uuuuuh what can you repeat the question

uuuuuuuh I don't know

