To Kill a Mockingbird

Did Atticus like maycomb

support your argument with proof from text

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I think Atticus understood Maycomb. His history is there and he chose to see the good in most everybody, except Bob Ewell, without prejudice. I would say that he did like Maycomb but was very disappointed in how slowly Maycomb and the South had progressed in terms of racial relations. Atticus believed the people in town had good hearts: they just had to turn away from the fear and ignorance that had been ingrained in them for generations.

i think he had mixed feelings


the book

I think Atticus did like Maycomb especially with his background in the town making him related to everyone in some way. He also tried letting the Haverfords leave the jury by pleading guilty to second-degree murder instead of first so he saw that they had it in them to change but they gave him no choice and he had to charge them guilty in first-degree murder.


To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee