To Kill a Mockingbird

Atticus and Dolphus Raymond both dissent from the rules of segregation in their society. How do their approaches differ? Which approach do you think is more effective? Which approach offers the best chance at bringing about change?

Need help with an essay,i know it is a long question but simple commentary on each subject would be great just to 'get the ball rolling'

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Last updated by Aslan
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There are a number of questions here. You need to submit them one at a time. In general, Atticus uses his keen intelligence and mastery over reason to try to make a difference. Atticus tries to do the right thing for both Tom and the town. Mr. Raymond has resigned himself to living a life away from bigoted white people. He does not try to enact change rather than just live his life away from bigotry.

Aslan, your answer is helpful but it doesnt answer 2 of the 3 questions asked, which approach in your opinion is more effective and which approach offers the best chance to bring change?

If you read the description you couldve seen that it olny asked for simple commentary on EACH question just to get the ideas going

I think your latter questions are looking for your opinion rather than mine.