Through the Tunnel

What happens on Jerry's second day of vacation?

Through the tunnel

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On the second day of his vacation, Jerry joined some boys on the rocks.... who were diving and swimming. During this time, he noticed that the ofther boys were diving down and ending up on the other side of the rock. He was confused and intrigued. Whe he rejoined his mother, he told her that he would need goggles.... he would need them to see underwater and join the other boys in their game.

Down he went, until he touched the wall of rock again. But the salt was so painful in his eyes that he could not see.
He came to the surface, swam to shore, and went back to the villa to wait for his mother. Soon she walked slowly up the path, swinging her striped bag, the flushed, naked arm dangling beside her. “I want some swimming goggles,” he panted, defiant and beseeching.


Through the Tunnel