Three Men in a Boat (To Say Nothing of the Dog)

Describe the adventure that the tree friends had when they spent the first night of their journey in the boat.

Three men in a boat

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Although the friends intended to spend their first night on Magna Charta Island, they are too tired to travel all the way there, and decide to stop earlier. Because they did not bring a tent, they have to pitch the canvas cover over the boat before they can sleep. This task proves more difficult than it seems, and it takes them several attempts to successfully set it up.They cook dinner, which is very satisfying because they have had such a long and exhausting day.

J. sleeps badly, and has a dream that doctors are trying to cut him open after he swallowed a sovereign. He begins a serious digression, discussing the beauty and melancholy of night. He concludes the chapter with a story about a knight who gets lost in the woods but manages to find joy in his suffering.

