Things Fall Apart

Chapter 12

  1. This is the day after the priestess took Enzima to the shrine. How did she bring her home and how did she react to Ekwefi and Okonkwo being outside the cave?
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From the text:

The priestess, with Ezinma sleeping on her back, had crawled out of the shrine on her belly like a snake. She had not as much as looked at Okonkwo and Ekwefi or shown any surprise at finding them at the mouth of the cave. She looked straight ahead of her and walked back to the village. Okonkwo and his wife followed at a respectful distance. They thought the priestess might be going to her house, but she went to Okonkwo's compound, passed through his obi and into Ekwefi's hut and walked into her bedroom. She placed Ezinma carefully on the bed and went away without saying a word to anybody.


Things Fall Apart