The Witch of Blackbird Pond

What were Kit’s feelings about Uncle Matthew? How did they change when she learns of his small act of insubordination?

Answer by Thurday, December 20, 2018

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From the text:

Snubbed again, Kit fell silent and listened to that unaccustomed shouting in the distance. She felt curiously elated. She knew she had overheard an account of serious insubordination to the King, yet in her heart she was glad that her uncle had known this small victory. Now perhaps they would have some peace in the house. No, it was more than that. To- night she had understood for the first time what her aunt had seen in that fierce man to make her cross an ocean at his side. There was a sort of magnificence about him, even without the fine uniform that made Governor Andros so splendid. Lying there in the dark, Kit had to admit it--she was proud of him.

Kit was thrilled Uncle Matthew spoke out and proud of him. The incident increased her respect for her uncle and made her realize why her aunt had fallen in love with him.


The Witch of Blackbird Pond