The Witch of Blackbird Pond

What about kit and Nats relationship is beginning to change?

What about kit and Nats relationship is beginning to change?

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Over time, Kit and Nat's relationship turns to romance. They begin as friends, and Nat even believes that she will eventually marry William Ashby. In the end, he is ready to ask Kit's uncle for her hand in marriage, so he and Kit can begin their new lives aboard the "Witch"...... Nat's ship.

"No, not yet." His voice was full of decision. "I want to see your uncle first. Kit-' His words came in an unpremeditated rush. "Will he think it is enough--the new ketch? There'll be a house someday, in Saybrook, or here in Wethersfield if you like. I've thought of nothing else all winter. In November we'll sail south, to the Indies. In the summer--"


The Witch of Blackbird Pond