The Westing Game

Why does Sandy alight hysterically at the information he reads?

In chapter 18, sandy reads information about old is Amber and the private investigator that information he reads makes him laugh hysterically when might he have read

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I believe that Sandy laughs at Otis' IQ.

Sandy turned to a fresh page, propped his feet on the judge’s desk and began to read the data supplied by the private investigator on Otis Amber. He laughed so hard he nearly fell off the tilting chair.

OTIS JOSEPH AMBER. Age: 62. Delivery boy. Fourth-grade dropout. IQ: 50. Lives in the basement of Green’s Grocery. A bachelor. No living relatives. Westing connection: Delivered letters from E. J. Plum, Attorney, both times.
“I would’ve guessed Otis had an IQ of minus ten,” Sandy said with a smile.


The Westing Game