The Wave

compare david to robert billings . use these headings: appearance, grades, popularity and support of the wave . are they quite similar or very different?

the wave

compare david to robert billings . use these headings: appearance, grades, popularity and support of the wave . are they quite similar or very different?

compare david to robert billings . use these headings: appearance, grades, popularity and support of the wave . are they quite similar or very different?

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David and Robert are character foils meaning they are so opposite that they bring out the traits in each other. David Collins is a running back on the football team and Laurie’s boyfriend. He is good looking, popular, and pretty high on the social hierarchy of the school. Robert Billings, on the other hand, is the ‘class loser,’ Robert gets bad grades and dresses sloppily. Robert is the lowest in the social hierarchy at school.