The Watsons Go to Birmingham - 1963

In chapter 4, what did Bryon do to Larry Dunn for stealing Kenny’s gloves?

What did bryon do to Larray Dunn for stealing Kenny's gloves?

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In Chapter Four, Byron and Buphead go over to Larry and begin to beat him up until he gives the gloves back. Byron tells Kenny to come over and hit Larry himself. Kenny hits him twice, but not hard, and this is not enough for Byron, who punches Kenny himself in the stomach. A bunch of kids gather around to watch as Byron continues to torment Larry. Byron makes Larry act out a movie called The Great Carp Escape, and repeatedly throws Larry into the fence (like a fish flopping into a net). Kenny is upset that he told Byron what happened; even though Larry is a bully, Kenny understands how rough it is to be beat up by Byron.


The Watsons Go to Birmingham - 1963