The Village By the Sea

Discuss a sad event that involves Hari. How does Hari learn a lesson from this event?

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Everything belonged here, everything blended together—except for himself.

Narrator, p. 59

Poor Hari is a relatable character for anyone who has felt they don't belong. Here in his village, he is deeply embarrassed by his father, concerned that he has no skills and cannot find work, and generally worried about the future. He doesn't share his friends' unfettered enthusiasm for the factory, he doesn't know if he can get a job with Biju, and he is entranced by the thought of Bombay but isn't sure how to get there. At this moment, he is on a precipice of sorts, and his depression is very understandable. Interestingly, he will feel the same way once he is alone in Bombay, but through hard work, good relationships, and a greater understanding of who he is and what he wants, Hari is able to realize that Thul truly is his home.