The Valley of Fear

What purpose has the author achieved by bringing Morris into the play ? Discuss his character and role as well.

Act 1 Scene 11

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Morris' appearance provides a lot of previous knowledge, as well as a bit of foreshadowing.

“I don’t see, Brother Morris,” said the chairman, “that it matters to us who buys them, since they can’t carry them out of the district.”

“With all respect to you, Eminent Bodymaster, I think it may matter very much to us. This process has been going on now for ten long years. We are gradually driving all the small men out of trade. What is the result? We find in their places great companies like the Railroad or the General Iron, who have their directors in New York or Philadelphia, and care nothing for our threats. We can take it out of their local bosses, but it only means that others will be sent in their stead. And we are making it dangerous for ourselves. The small men could not harm us. They had not the money nor the power. So long as we did not squeeze them too dry, they would stay on under our power. But if these big companies find that we stand between them and their profits, they will spare no pains and no expense to hunt us down and bring us to court.”


The Valley of Fear