The Valley of Fear

Mc Ginty passed a verdict against Baldwin, in McMurdo’s favour. Analyze McGinty’s gesture.

in the novel the valley of fear


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Teddy Baldwin comes up, impassioned and angry. He bursts out that McMurdo wronged him, but McMurdo coolly replies that whom Ettie loves is her choice. McGinty agrees because she is choosing between two freemen. This does not appease Baldwin, who begins to rise up against McGinty for choosing this new man over him. He even suggests McGinty might be voted out of his position. This infuriates McGinty, and he slams Baldwin roughly to the ground.

Finally, sputtering, Baldwin apologizes and says he did not mean to offend. McGinty jovially releases him and procures champagne. He makes the two young men agree to halt the bad blood. McMurdo offers out his hand to Baldwin, along with an apology. Baldwin accepts reluctantly.

McGinty laughs about how women can come between men. He then tells McMurdo he must come to their lodge meeting Saturday night. Although this doesn't add a lot to the story it is a nice side episode that adds to these characters. McGinty is clearly powerful and his own person: he takes a liking to McGinty.


The Valley of Fear