The Valley of Fear

Explain the history of the ancient manor building.

explain the history of ancient manor building

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Part of the Manor House dates back to the First Crusade and other parts were added in the 1500s and 1600s. This unique home was effectively an island, as it had a drawbridge that went over a moat and was kept raised every night.

‘Erected in the fifth year of the reign of James I, and standing upon the site of a much older building, the Manor House of Birlstone presents one of the finest surviving examples of the moated Jacobean residence—’ ”

"... there is some account of the taking of the place by a parliamentary colonel in 1644, of the concealment of Charles for several days in the course of the Civil War, and finally of a visit there by the second George, you will admit that there are various associations of interest connected with this ancient house.”


The Valley of Fear