The Valley of Fear

Baldwin felt betrayed when McGinty gave his sentence with regards to Ettie. How do you think this will impact his relationship with McGinty in future?

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The altercation between McGinty and Baldwin caused a chasm between the two men, as Baldwin considered himself betrayed.

Ted Baldwin looked at McMurdo with eyes which showed that he had not forgotten nor forgiven. “Well, he can come if he wants,” he said in a surly voice. “That’s enough. The sooner we get to work the better.”

McGinty had instruments enough already; but he recognized that this was a supremely able one. He felt like a man holding a fierce bloodhound in leash. There were curs to do the smaller work; but some day he would slip this creature upon its prey. A few members of the lodge, Ted Baldwin among them, resented the rapid rise of the stranger and hated him for it; but they kept clear of him, for he was as ready to fight as to laugh.


The Valley of Fear