The Truman Show

The Truman Show

In George Orwell’s novel 1984, the Inner Party (tyrannical government) attempts to control the populace through use of subtle propaganda and by inventing a new language. Throughout the Truman Show, there are numerous examples of the television network attempting to control Truman, i.e. dangers of flying posters, school teacher saying that there is nothing left to explore, his father’s death at sea, the rock climbing scene in Truman’s youth, etc. To what extent could human beings be controlled by their environments? Do we actually have choice? Or is it an illusion? What do we know to be true? Descartes, Rorty, Plato

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This is a pretty involved question for this short answer space. I think in totalitarian states like in Orwell's 1984, people have little choice but to become products of their environment. Anything different and they would be vaporized or worse "re-educated" like Winston was. Truman didn't know any different until the end of the movie so he really had no other perspective than his artificial environment.