The Train Driver

What is the dramatic presentation of South Africa in the plan?

How it presents South Africa in terms of society, people etc.

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Financial and physical security is one of the most important themes in The TrainDriver. Because of Apartheid-related policies, many black people in South Africa were unable to work solid jobs, leaving them financially and often physically insecure. White people, however, were given more opportunities to work and succeed, meaning they were often more economically secure than their counterparts of color. Simon was one of the few black people who could be economically and physically safe, but that all changed when he met Roelf. Ultimately, Simon lost his job at the play, leaving him physically and financially insecure, prone to the gang violence which took Roelf's life. Throughout the play, Fugard shows how a lack of security can inspire people to do wrong and nonsensical things. He warns that, without economic opportunity, countries will become less secure and less prosperous.


The Train Driver