The Tortilla Curtain

what is the symbolism of the coyote and its importance in the text?

I know in Chapter 3 the book emerges and talks more about coyotes and how they refer to mexicans, but i can't find more than 1 quote and i need 4 quotes that talkes about the symbolism of coyotes

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A "coyote" is someone who profits from sneaking immigrants across the U.S.-Mexican border. It's also an animal stereotyped as a scavenging coward. In The Tortilla Curtain, T.C. Boyle draws frequent parallels between coyotes prowling the edges of civilization and Mexicans scavenging food and work on the fringes of an upscale white neighborhood. Boyle also uses Delaney Mossbacher's attitude toward the coyotes to both parallel and foreshadow his waning sympathy for illegal immigrants. Finally, he uses coyote attacks as a metaphor for white insecurity.