The Sword in the Stone

Who is Arthur?

The sword in the stone

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Wart (Arthur) is the young protagonist of the story and eventually comes to be known as King Arthur. He is thriving under the tutelage of the Wizard Merlin. He can be a little bit naive because his own strong belief in what is right blinds him to the fact that not everyone around him has such altruistic motives. He is slightly timid and would never assume the role of King without encouragement. He is also modest and teachable as a child and remains this way even as an adult monarch.

Wart has many adventures that usually stem from his becoming rather bored and is transformed into many other creatures to experience and learn lessons that Merlin needs to teach him. Although he is not the star of the show in battle - that kudos falls to his foster brother - he has a steady temperament that makes him a natural monarch and a leader his subjects will be able to respect without fearing him.

