The Shawshank Redemption

Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption - Part Two, pgs. 40-79


During the roof tarring job, Andy decides to give advice to Hadley, one of the guards. Why does he do it?



He almost gets into trouble for doing it. Why does it work?


As payment, he only asks for beers. Why? Why were they so important to the prisoners?


Andy is described as having a sense of his own freedom, of wearing it like an invisible coat. What do you think this means?


How or why is he able to wear this invisible coat?


Red describes how some prisoners become institutionalized. What does this mean?


How or why does it happen? Do you think that this could ever happen to you in a similar situation?


Andy builds the prison library up from nothing. How does he do it? Why does he do it? What does this tell you about him?


Andy begins performing many illegal services for the guards, including the warden. Why?

10) When speaking to Red, Andy mentions a "fine line." What is it?

11) What is the meaning behind all the different posters Andy hangs in his cell?

12) Tommy Williams has some important information for Andy. What does he tell him?

13) When Andy goes to Warden Norton and explains about the new information, Norton refuses to help him. Why?

14) How did this affect Andy?

15) What is Zihuatenajo?

16) What do the Mexicans say about the Pacific? Why is this appealing to both Andy and Red?

17) What does Andy want to do in Zihautenejo? How does he plan to do it?

18) Who is Peter Stevens?

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Last updated by jill d #170087
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1) He tells hadley to gift the money he has to his wife, so he won't have to pay taxes on it... he also says that Hadley should make sure he can trust his wife.

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