The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

How Should Mrs. Mitty be describe? In what ways is she a contrast to her husband?

The Secret Life Of Walter Witty, By James Thurber

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On the surface, Mrs. Mitty can be connected with by those wives who are absolutely certain they know what is best for their husband whose domineering manner is seen as an act of love and tender care. And so well may it be. Except that Walter’s fantasy world of attractive woman as take-charge Navy commander, highly respected surgeon, sharpshooter suspected of murder and World War I flying ace all point to a decided attempt to escape the clutches of Mrs. Mitty’s tender loving usurpation of his right to make decisions on his own regarding his own life that makes it highly likely that Walter does not view her role as entirely benevolent. Of course, it is vital to keep in mind that the only Mrs. Mitty the reader is allowed access to is the one viewed through the very subjective lens of Walter’s perspective. Nevertheless, if Walter’s version of certain events are taken at face value, his wife has without question contributed to the lack of self-esteem in her husband that can only be addressed and reversed through a remarkably active, inventive and vivid fantasy world.