The Scarlet Pimpernel

List at least five precautions Chauvelin takes to ensure that he will capture the Scarlet Pimpernel.

List at least five precautions Chauvelin takes to ensure that he will capture the Scarlet Pimpernel.

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1) His real plan is to trick Sir Percy Blakeney into returning to France, where he can be captured and put to the guillotine.

2) He hatches the plan with the aid of Désirée Candielle, whom he has promised money, pardon and fame if she succeeds in helping him capture the Pimpernel.

3)He insures that he is set up as guardian for both women, Desiree and Marguerite.

4) He gives a necklace from Marguerite's family jewels to Desiree, sparking an argument between the women. Percy challenges him to a duel for which they have to travel to France. Thus, Chauvelin gets what he wants...... Percy back in France.

5) He traps Marguerite and has her arrested by giving her a fake passport.


The Scarlet Pimpernel.