The Scarlet Letter

What is the importance in "'The mark of sin was upon him!’ he continued, with a fierce determination to reveal the whole truth. ‘The eye of God saw it! The angels were constantly pointing at it!’ [ . . . ] The minister stood with a flush [ . . . ]"?

What is the importance in "'The mark of sin was upon him!’ he continued, with a fierce determination to reveal the whole truth. ‘The eye of God saw it! The angels were constantly pointing at it!’ [ . . . ] The minister stood with a flush [ . . . ]"?

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From the text you've provided, we can see that Dimmesdale has protrated himself in front of the crowd for a public confession. The "mark of sin" was carved into his body.... above his heart. He carried the same symbol as the mother of his child.... the letter A.


The Scarlet Letter