The Refugees

At the beginning of the story Nguyen recounts, “Before Mrs. Hoa broke into our lives in the summer of 1983, nothing my mother did surprised me. Her routine was as predictable as the rotation of the earth, beginning with how she rapped on my door every mor

At the beginning of the story Nguyen recounts, “Before Mrs. Hoa broke into our lives in the summer of 1983, nothing my mother did surprised me. Her routine was as predictable as the rotation of the earth, beginning with how she rapped on my door every morning, at six, six fifteen, and six thirty, until at last I was awake.” The allegorical rotation accentuates Nguyen’s mother’s predictability. Her actions are constant and foreseeable. Does this perception of his mother change? Support your response with specific examples from the story. In the end, why does the narrator's mother end up giving Mrs. Hoa money? Why?

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