The Red Badge of Courage

How does the "sarcastic man" respond when Henry calls the commander an "old lunkhead" of a general?

How does this rebuke affect Henry? What does it tell you about Henrys self-confidence at this point in the story?

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From the text:

"A sarcastic man who was tramping at the youth’s side, then spoke lazily. “Mebbe yeh think yeh fit th’ hull battle yestirday, Fleming,” he remarked."


The Red Badge of Courage

Henry response tp the Sarcastic mans rebuke was telling;

"The speech pierced the youth. Inwardly he was reduced to an abject pulp by these chance words. His legs quaked privately. He cast a frightened glance at the sarcastic man."


The Red Badge of Courage

thank you so much, you are truly a lot of help.

From the text:

"A sarcastic man who was tramping at the youth’s side, then spoke lazily. “Mebbe yeh think yeh fit th’ hull battle yestirday, Fleming,” he remarked."

Source(s): The Red Badge of Courage

Henry response tp the Sarcastic mans rebuke was telling;

"The speech pierced the youth. Inwardly he was reduced to an abject pulp by these chance words. His legs quaked privately. He cast a frightened glance at the sarcastic man."

Source(s): The Red Badge of Courage