The Red Badge of Courage

Gettysburg Address

Use context to determine the meaning of the word ardor as it is used in the red badge of courage. Write your definition of ardor here and tell how you found it.

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She had affected to look with some contempt upon the quality of his war ardor and patriotism.

In general, we can determine the meaning of a word by using the evidence and vocabulary with which it is surrounded. In this case, Crane uses the phrase, His busy mind had drawn for him large pictures extravagant in color, lurid with breathless deeds.


During the march the ardor which the youth had acquired when out of view of the field rapidly faded to nothing.

preceded by;

The skirmishers in advance fascinated him. Their shots into thickets and at distant and prominent trees spoke to him of tragedies--hidden, mysterious, solemn.


In both cases "ardor" can be defined as "passion".


The Red Badge of Courage