The Phantom of the Opera

What is the plot of Chapter 9?


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• At the masked ball, Christine dresses as a black domino, she finds Raoul, and she squeezes his hand, signaling him not to speak.

• The phantom appears, dressed as Red Death. He has a skeleton hand. Christine and Raoul run to the box, and Raoul wants to follow the phantom.

• Christine tells Raoul she loves him, and she tells him that in the name of their love, he shouldn't go.

• Raoul becomes angry and insults Christine. In response, she tells him that she will never be able to see him again. She also tells him that one day he will forgive her.

• Christine leaves, and Raoul later goes to her dressing room. While there, he hears her say, "Poor Erick". Christine doesn't know Raoul is there and listening.

• Christine hears singing through the walls of the room.... the phantom has arrived. Christine then looks through her mirror and disappears.


The Phantom of the Opera